Mona is as sweet and cuddly as can be. She was born around 11/14 and weighs 4 pounds and is a terrier mix. This little fluff ball is very curious and playful. She will never shy away from a good game of tug of war. One of her favorite activities is running around with her four legged friends. There is definitely never a dull moment when she is around. Don't wait to get that application in because this precious pup won't be around long
If you are interested in adopting/meeting this pup , please complete our online adoption application that you can find here: . Your application will be reviewed by our team and if it is a good fit, we will send to the foster family to set up a meet!
Clicking the "Start your Inquiry" button is internal to Petfinder, and will only delay the process - please copy the link and submit the application.
The adoption fee of $550 will include spay/neuter, microchip, age appropriate/required vaccinations, treatment for heartworm and any other necessary medical treatment to assure a healthy new pup for your family. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Although we do our best to describe breed, since our pups all come from shelters we can not and will not make any guarantee on breed or size. We can tell you that they are 100% RESCUED! And that is the BEST breed!
*please note that we are a foster home based rescue and we do home visits as part of the adoption process - we are unable to adopt to families who live outside of the Chicago and surrounding suburbs. Thank you for your understanding.
More about Mona
Good with Dogs, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Quiet, Does not require a yard, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please
Other Pictures of Mona (click to see larger version):