Meet Tabitha! We call her Tabby for short. She is a mix of breeds for sure - Terrier/Hound (she's a shortie!) and who knows what! She only weighs around 17 lbs. She is 3 years old. She is such a happy girl. She has been smiling since she arrived from Kentucky. She absolutely loves people. She is happiest when she is cuddled up next to or on a lap. She does well with smaller dogs. She is great with kids. She is crate trained and happily sleeps in it at night. She has caught on very quickly to house training and is ready to meet her forever family.
The adoption fee of $350 will include spay/neuter, microchip, age appropriate/required vaccinations, treatment for heartworm and any other necessary medical treatment to assure a healthy new pup for your family. Although we do the best to describe breed, since our pups all come from shelters we can make no guarantee. We can tell you that they are 100% RESCUED!
If you are interested in adopting/meeting , please visit our website at or you may complete the online adoption application on our Facebook Page Once you complete and submit your dog adoption application we will set up an appointment to meet this pup!
*please note that we are a foster home based rescue and we do home visits as part of the adoption process - we are unable to adopt to families who live outside of the Chicago and surrounding suburbs. Thank you for your understanding.
More about Tabitha
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Does not require a yard, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent
Other Pictures of Tabitha (click to see larger version):